
1) Adjectives and adverbs

1.1. Adjectives: position, order, comparative structures theory and practice exercise

1.2. Adverbs: position, order, comparative structures theory and practice exercise

1.3. Adjective and adverb rewriting exercises practice

2) Enough/too, almost/hardly, never/ever

    2.1. enough and too

    2.2. almost and hardly

    2.3. never and ever

3) for/since/ago, the first time/never before, prefer/rather

4) either/neither/nor, seems/appear

5) Relative where

6) Have/get something done

7) May/might possibility

8) If not/unless

9) Active vs Passive

10) past tenses, used to/would

11) reported speech

12) reported speech questions

13) possibility and deduction in the past

14) Relative clauses

15) modals: needn't

16) linkind devices

17) so/such

18) conditionals

19) impersonal constructions

20) I wish/if only & alternatives

21) still....not....not ....yet

22) in case

23) purpose clauses and alternatives

24) proportional comparison

25) unless/provided/providing

26) as lon as

27) shouldn't + past

28) would rather/ prefer

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